Author of articles Diogo Pereira Pessegueiro

Diogo Pereira Pessegueiro
Published by:
4 Articles

Author's articles

  • The main reason for the appearance of papillomas on the body is the activation of the human papillomavirus, which occurs due to the weakening of the immune system, hormonal changes in the body or human aging. An in-depth study in our article.
    2 December 2023
  • How HPV is transmitted, how human papillomavirus can be transmitted to a woman, if the carriers of the infection are contagious and if it is possible to be infected through a condom and a kiss.
    14 May 2022
  • There are several varieties of benign growths, due to which HPV manifests itself externally. In the material we will consider the types of papillomas and give a photo of the formations.
    22 April 2022
  • HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) with high oncogenic risk. What is HPV. Information and treatment of diseases.
    29 April 2021